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How to get a valid URL for a picture in Google Photos

This article explains the problems with getting valid, SEO-friendly links to images that are in Google Photos - and shows a way of doing this using G…

Working with HTML in Blogger's new (2020) Post-editor

This article looks at how HTML is viewed and edited in the new version of Blogger which was introduced in June 2020. HTML and Blogger …

Facebook share counter in the AddThis inline-share tool is wrong

This article explains why the Facebook counts are not correct on some AddThis inline share widgets, and what you can do about this. Some Facebook sha…

How to make a new blog post in the 2020 version of Blogger

This article shows you how to make a new blog post in the new (2020) Blogger editor. What is the new Blogger editor Google …

How to start Snapseed from Google Photos

This article shows how to start the Snapseed application from Google Photos for Android, after an update that was applied in November 2019. Snapsee…

How to find out who posted to your blog by email

Blogger's mail2Post tool lets you - and others - post to your blog from using email.   But it shows the post-author as the person who set up the …

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